In the Orientflex annual ceremony, there is a special section, that is “search of dragon”. 2024 is the year of dragon and it is a year of auspicious sign.
In traditional Chinese culture, dragon is the totem that all the people following. According to the tradition, dragon has two horns like antler, and it has the head which is similar to lion. While the mouth is like a crocodile and the body is like a snake. Besides, there are scales covering the body. At the same time, dragon has the claws similar to eagle.
Dragon is a special animal which has great power. It can fly in the sky and it can also swim in the ocean. Besides, it can change the appearance. For example, it can transfigure to be human or other animals. What’s more, it can control the weather and make it rainy and windy at will.
Because of these great powers, dragon becomes the symbol of auspicious sign. While it is also the symbol of the empire. From the ancient, Chinese people think they are the descendants of dragon. Thus people often give their children a name with dragon to hope they can be better in the future. In addition many women want to birth in the year of dragon. Meanwhile, there are lots of film and television programs concerns dragon.
In Orientflex, we have 20 members who was born in the year of dragon. Then we invite them to the stage and show our sincere wishes to them. Hope them lucky and happy in the new year.