Concrete hose is an important material for pumping concrete. It is widely used in building construction, road construction and many other industries. Such material handling hose is used to deliver abrasive materials. Thus it has a certain service life. But what will affect its service life?
Raw material quality
Good water raw materials can significantly improve the durability of concrete pipes.
Design rationality
Reasonable design includes aspects such as pipe wall thickness, pipe diameter, and interface form. For example, if the pipe wall thickness is too thin and the pipe diameter is too small, the internal pressure will increase. In addition, if the interface design is not tight, leakage and other problems may occur. These will affect the service life of the pipe.
The correct installation method is the key to ensure the long-term stable operation of the concrete pipe. During the installation process, it is necessary to ensure that the foundation of the pipe is firm, the interface is well sealed, and the laying slope meets the design requirements.
Regular maintenance can extend the service life of the concrete pipe. Maintenance includes cleaning the sediment in the pipe, checking the integrity of the pipe, and repairing the problematic parts in time.